Welcome to the Kennedy Family.
Students who desire an educational experience founded on the Catholic philosophy of education who fulfill the age, health, academic and behavioral requirements are eligible for admission to John F. Kennedy Catholic School. Any student who is interested in enrolling and/or transferring as an incoming sixth through eleventh grade student must complete the application below. Admission decisions to Kennedy are made on a rolling, competitive basis.
The Admission Committee thoughtfully and thoroughly reviews all educational documentation, as well as feedback from the family meeting in order to make an informed decision. You will be contacted within a week regarding the Admission Committee’s decision.
Visit Us.
We invite your child to spend the day with a Kennedy student. The following information will help you prepare for your day:
1. Schedule your Visitation Day by contacting Mrs. Judi LaPolla at 330-369-1804 x. 118.
2. Prepare the necessary paperwork for your Visitation Day:
Completed Admission Application
Copy of your student’s standardized test scores
Copy of your student’s recent report card
3. Visit Kennedy:
Visiting students are asked to wear a solid color polo shirt and khaki pants
Visiting students should arrive at school no later than 7:45 a.m. and report to the Main Office
Students should bring all completed paperwork with them on the morning of their Visitation Day
Please also bring a book in the event that a class is testing that day
A complimentary dining hall lunch will be provided.
Please Note: Application for admission is not a guarantee of acceptance. Depending on the number of applicants, there may be a wait list formed. Failure to disclose any medical, educational, or behavioral issues is cause to rescind enrollment offer. John F. Kennedy Catholic School is a non-public, Catholic school in the State of Ohio. As such, federal FAPE requirements are non-binding at the school. The school strives to meet the learning differences and necessary accommodations of students accepted into the school.
If you have any further questions, please contact:
Judi LaPolla in the Admissions Office at (330) 369-1804 or email at [email protected].