Alumni Spotlight

December 2021

Trevor McAleer '00

Why did your family choose Kennedy for your education?
My parents wanted me to go to the best school in the area. Because of this, Kennedy was an easy decision for them. It also helped that my dad and older brother were already a part of the Kennedy family!

What is your favorite Kennedy memory?
There are too many to pick a favorite. The friendships, parties, homecomings, proms, pep rallies, lessons in the classroom, and sporting events all hold a special place in my heart. From my freshman year watching the basketball team go undefeated in the regular season to the final bus ride home after our last soccer game my senior year, and all the memories in between, will be things I always cherish. 


Did you have a teacher or class that was a major influence on you?
This is a difficult question! If I had to narrow it down, I would say there were two, Father Petrunak and Mr. Karrenbauer. These two educators didn’t just teach religion and Latin, but they taught us life lessons that have stayed with my classmates and me even twenty years later. From Father Petrunak saying “You’ve changed” to all of Mr. Karrenbauer's one liners, all have played an important role in my life. 


Education/Professional Experience (If applicable):
Professional Experience:
Legislative Budget Advisor, Cuyahoga County Council (2011 - present) 
Business Manager, Cuyahoga County Board of Elections (2007 - 2011
Analyst, Cuyahoga County Office of Budget & Management (2006 - 2007)

Youngstown State University, BA in Political Science, 2004
Cleveland State University, Masters in Public Administration, 2006


What career did you choose and tell us a little bit about how you got there:
I always enjoyed the idea of public service, so once I started graduate school, I immediately applied for internships with various levels of government.  In 2004, I was lucky enough to be selected for an internship with the Cuyahoga County Board of County Commissioners, which consisted of three County Commissioners and a County Administrator, which at that time was the same form of county government that 87 of the 88 counties had throughout the State of Ohio.  

Unfortunately in 2008, some of the local elected officials decided to take advantage of their positions and a Federal corruption investigation ensued. One of the ramifications from the resulting criminal convictions was that the voters of Cuyahoga County approved a new form of government in 2010. The form of government transitioned from the three County Commissioner system to a Charter form of government with 11 Councilmembers and 1 Executive. Cuyahoga County was only the second government in Ohio to adopt this form of government (Summit County being the other). At the start of the new government in 2011, I was appointed to serve on the staff of the new Cuyahoga County Council. In this role, I have had the great privilege of creating, building, and stabilizing a brand new form of government that represents over 1.2 million people. 


What accomplishment are you most proud of?
The accomplishment that I am most proud of is being part of the team that helped secure long term leases for both the Cleveland Cavaliers and Cleveland Indians, now the Guardians, to remain in Cleveland for the foreseeable future.  People in Northeast Ohio love their sports and millions across the United States have so many memories about their favorite sports teams that will stay with them forever. They share these special moments with their coworkers, friends and family. The Cavaliers' Miracle of Richfield, winning the 2007 Eastern Conference Championship, or winning the 2016 NBA Championship are just a few of the memories that mean so much to so many Cavs fans. The Cleveland Indians perfect game
in 1981, the beloved teams from the 1990s, or the team's 22-game winning streak in 2017 are just a few baseball memories that people are passionate about. Helping secure the long term leases for these professional sports teams to ensure that they remain in Cleveland will guarantee that memories continue to be made.


What is a specific piece of advice you would give to a Kennedy senior?
Things will not always go as you planned, but take those moments and grow from them in order to move forward. Enjoy every minute of your senior year! #BLUEPRIDE