Alma Mater & Fight Songs
Alma Mater
Oh JFK we rise to you
As eagles soaring straight and true.
Proud white and blue our colors fly
As signs of strength high in the sky.
Your faith and courage we’ll defend;;
We pledge allegiance to the end.
In love and trust we will abide,
With God to bless and you to guide.
Fight Song
Onward our team will march, Fighting for victory.
We'll reach that goal, against our foe, to prove our loyalty.
We'll give a great big cheer for our boys so bold,
Fighting under White and Blue.
Kennedy will fight, fight with all our might.
JFK for you, hey!
The music of the alma mater is that of a Naval hymn, chosen because of John F. Kennedy’s membership in that branch of the country’s armed services. The words were written by Mr. George Voytek, the first band director at the school.