Alumni Spotlight

april 2024

Nina Macali, Class of 2015

1. Why did your family choose Kennedy for your education?

My family chose Kennedy because of its strong sense of community and family. Kennedy has been intertwined with my family, beginning with my mom, then my cousins, and later my eldest brother, so continuing the Kennedy tradition felt like the natural choice.  Not only because of the tradition in my family, but we knew that Kennedy would give us unique experiences, lifelong traditions and teach us the importance of courage, integrity, and dedication. Kennedy is more than just a school, it truly is a family.  

2. What is your favorite Kennedy memory?

There are countless memories that make it difficult to choose a favorite. However, being a part of the girls soccer team, running track, and cheering filled my high school years with unforgettable experiences and lasting friendships. The thrill of competing at the state track meet will always be held in my memory. Cheering with my teammates, and finally winning the state cheer competition my senior year brought a sense of pride and accomplishment that I will carry with me forever. These moments taught me the importance of teamwork, dedication, and perseverance, shaping me into the person I am today.

3. Did you have a teacher or class that was a major influence on you?

All of the teachers that I encountered during my time at Kennedy, were exceptional. It’s hard to name which teacher impacted me the most, because they all had a lasting impact. To name two, Mrs. Rupinsky and Mrs. Campbell, were two teachers who greatly impacted me.

Mrs. Rupinsky, my math and homeroom teacher, was exceptionally influential. She brought life to every classroom she walked into, with her heartwarming smile and contagious enthusiasm for learning. She had a unique way of connecting with you, making you feel valued and supported. She was truly someone I looked up to. Time spent in her classroom was something I looked forward to everyday. Her impact extended far beyond class time, shaping me into confident and motivated individual ready to take on any challenge that came my way, preparing me for the outside world.

Mrs. Campbell helped bring alive my artistic skills as she nurtured my creativity. Her encouragement and inspiration not only enhanced my artistic abilities but also instilled in me the importance of wholeheartedly pursuing my passions. Mrs. Campbell was always approachable and provided the best advice. Undoubtedly, she played a crucial role in unlocking my artistic potential. My interest in art blossomed in her class, leading me to pursue cake decorating, something I never expected to do. 

Mrs. Rupinsky and Mrs. Campbell may have been just two teachers in my life, but their impact on me will last a lifetime. They really emphasized the meaning of “We are Kennedy, We are Family”

4. Post High School Education/Professional Experience.

I completed my Bachelor's Degree in Marketing at Ohio State University in 2019. Following that, I enrolled in the Master's in Nutrition program at Kent State University with the goal of becoming a Registered Dietitian. It was during this period that I began working at my family's grocery store, as a cake decorator. I currently manage the bakery on a full-time basis, teach Lagree fitness at a local workout studio, and plan to complete my masters in Nutrition by December 2024.

5. What career did you choose and tell us a little bit about how you got there.

After completing undergrad, I realized I wanted to do something more in line with my passion for health and nutrition. I then decided to pursue a Master's degree in Nutrition. My ultimate goal is to establish my own nutrition counseling business and assist others in adopting a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition.  I want to educate others about the significance of nutrition, not only in promoting overall health and well-being, but in preventing numerous chronic illnesses. By understanding the impact of nutrition on our bodies, we can make better informed choices that support our immune system, energy levels, and overall health. 

6. What accomplishment are you most proud of?

I didn’t always know what my career path would be, but something I’ve always been passionate about was nutrition and exercise. I feel incredibly accomplished and fortunate that I have been able to pursue both paths. After dedicating numerous hours to training, I have achieved certification to instruct Lagree fitness, a goal I have been working towards for a while. And now, by the end of this year I will have completed my masters in nutrition. Lastly, I take great pride in being part of my family's business, overseeing the bakery department and gaining valuable insights into the practicalities of managing a business.

7. What is a specific piece of advice you would give to a Kennedy senior?

To all Kennedy seniors, my advice is to savor every moment of your time at Kennedy. High school marks the most unforgettable four years of your life, and college is likely to bring a new set of cherished memories. It's alright not to have all the answers immediately, just like I didn't. Take your time, stay calm, and have fun in your journey as everything falls into place exactly as it should. Remember to be patient with yourself, as achieving your goals takes time, along with setbacks, accomplishments, and dedication. Embrace these obstacles you encounter and don’t give up. It may sound cliché, but the world truly is your oyster – you just need to go out there and do what you want to do! Kennedy has prepared you for this moment, and now it's your turn to venture out and chase your dreams. If there’s one takeaway from anything I’ve learned in life thus far, truly enjoy every experience and find happiness in whatever you choose to do.