Alumni Spotlight

February 2022 - Young Alumni Spotlight

Eric Bofenkamp '14

Why did your family choose Kennedy for your education?
Attending Kennedy was never an if, there was really never any other possibility.   I’m a 3rd generation Kennedy graduate along with my brother, Justin.  My great grandmother started the cafeteria at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School in Niles, my grandmother was a teacher there as well.  Catholic education has always been a priority in our family.  I have cousins at lower and upper campus, my mother is an administrator at the school, and my aunt is the principal of the upper campus.  Kennedy is as much a part of our family, and who our family is, as much anything else.


What is your favorite Kennedy memory?
My favorite Kennedy memory would be the cookout my friends and I had prior to the homecoming dance one year.  It was a Hawaiian theme, and since none of us were going with dates, we thought it would be a fun idea to do a cookout right outside the school (where the dance was held that year) instead of going to dinner.  So as all our classmates were arriving to the dance in their gowns and suits, we were outside the entrance in our Hawaiian shirts, music playing, grilling hot dogs and burgers.  The Dean of Students, Mr. Boyle and Principal, Stacy Raab, even joined us for a couple burgers and hot dogs!


Did you have a teacher or class that was a major influence on you?
To single out one individual would be a disservice to all the amazing teachers I had during my 4 years at Kennedy.  Each one of them was crucial, not only my education, but also in me becoming the man I am today.  The teachings and values I learned in every classroom set me up to become the best version of my best version of myself.


Education/Professional Experience:
After graduating from Kennedy, I was able continue my catholic education and athletic career competing as a division 1 football player for 5 years at Saint Francis University.  During that span I earned 2 undergraduate degrees in Management and Marketing, as well as my Master of Business Administration degree.  From there, I began working for the Walt Disney Company in Orlando, where I spent the last 3 years. After that, I really wanted to get back into the world of sports, so in October of 2021, I joined the Charlotte Hornets as a Manager of Guest Experience.


What career did you choose and tell us a little bit about how you got there.
We spend so much of our lives working, I knew from a young age I wanted to chase my passion, not a dollar.  Growing up all my time was spent either playing a sport, or going to a place like Walt Disney World, so transitioning into the Sports & Entertainment industry seemed like the natural choice.   I am a huge believer in experiencing life, and the unique experiences life has to offer, so being able to work in an industry where we create some of these once in a lifetime experiences is incredibly rewarding.  This industry requires a lot of hard work and long hours, but in the end being able to see families, friends, and individuals forget their problems in the outside world and experience a couple hours of excitement and happiness, makes it all worthwhile.


What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I’m incredibly proud of 3 things in life:  First, is becoming nationally recognized for my athletic talents and achievements as a college athlete.  I had a lot of people tell me I wasn’t good enough to compete at that level and I was wasting my time chasing that dream, so to get that recognition made almost two decades of dedication and sacrifice worth it.  

Secondly, would be becoming a Guest Relations Cast Member at Walt Disney World.  This role is the only role in the company created by Walt Disney himself and is one of the most sought after, prestigious, and competitive roles in the company.  To be able to join that department and carry on the legacy it represents was a true honor, and a literal dream come true.  

Finally, it would be getting to the point in my career where I am now.  I took a big risk leaving Disney in the middle of a global pandemic, but I knew what I was capable of and decided to bet on myself.  To now be one of the individuals helping to run an entire division of an NBA franchise is a blessing.


What is a specific piece of advice you would give to a Kennedy senior?
My advice is twofold.  First is to always believe in yourself and bet on yourself!  At the end of the day, no one else knows what you are truly capable of but you, so don’t let anyone limit what you can do.  If you believe you can accomplish something, I promise you, you can.  You’re the author of your own destiny, so don’t let someone else write your story for you.    

Second, sometimes a “no” is a blessing.  Being told “no” to some opportunities in my life has opened up doors to meeting some of my best friends, to creating memories I’ll never forget, and opportunities I never would have experienced if I got the “yes” I was looking for.  Just because you may not have gotten that “yes”, doesn’t mean that “no” won’t lead to a moment that will change your life.