Alumni Spotlight

February 2024

Rajha Bradley, Class of 2020

Why did your family choose Kennedy for your education?
Honestly, I think my mother decided on Kennedy for me because my older sister had also graduated from JFK. I find myself here today so incredibly glad that she decided the way she did. I attended Kennedy for an entire decade of my life and made so many friends that mean so much to me to this day.


What is your favorite Kennedy memory?
I made a lot of memories within the halls of both campuses. One that always sticks out is when I snuck Chick-Fil-A into school only to be caught by Mrs. Consiglio. We almost made it, had we chosen a different path through the building we would have enjoyed the food. I also must reference my time on WJFK where I managed to make my own self-titled segment. I’ll be honest I really didn’t think they would let me do it. Turns out I was wrong and I could use my vanity to do my school work! Rajha’s Special Segment is what happens when you really enjoy a class and have fun with the people you work with.


Did you have a teacher or class that was a major influence on you?
I spent so many years at Kennedy and all of the guidance and experiences helped me to blossom into the person I am today; how I became uniquely Rajha. I can honestly say there were so many people who taught and influenced me, I couldn't pinpoint a specific person or class. The entirety of my time at Kennedy influenced me.


Education/Professional Focus: What career are you interested in pursuing and what experience has helped to guide your decision?
At Kennedy I developed a love for acting. I performed in Fiddlesticks, Shrek, Beauty and the Beast, High School Musical, Seussical, and Mary Poppins, just to name a few shows. I am currently on time to graduate from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre. I plan to pursue a career in acting, I’ve wanted to act professionally since I was young and I’ve been studying it diligently for the past four years.


What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I will be graduating this May from The Ohio State University. I’m definitely proud of that, it’s a fascinating feeling knowing I won’t have another year of semesters and homework ahead of me.


What is a specific piece of advice you would give to a Kennedy senior? 
Life can be overwhelming. College is full of new experiences and it can definitely overwhelm you. So whether you’re going to a college, going to a trade school, starting a career immediately, or you simply don’t even know, don’t forget to breathe and always check in on yourself and how you’re doing.  Often people will get so busy with college, homework, rushing a sorority/fraternity, and working, they forget to take care of themselves. College is exhausting but so rewarding; do not burn yourself out trying to be someone else or simply by not taking care of yourself. I can say taking care of yourself is paramount.