Alumni Spotlight

January 2022

Scott Jerald '87

Why did your family choose Kennedy for your education?
My parents felt that JFK was the best faith-based college preparatory school in the area.


What is your favorite Kennedy memory?
There many memories I have of Kennedy. The first ever football playoff victory would be my favorite.
The support we had not just from the students but the entire Kennedy family as well as the local community was amazing.


Did you have a teacher or class that was a major influence on you?
There was not just one. I am so grateful to have had many coaches and teachers who had major influences on me. 
On the teacher side I always enjoyed Mrs. Ricciardulli’s Spanish classes, Mr. Spano’s Algebra, Mrs. Prebish’s English and
Father Terry. On the coaching side there was Coach Zolciak, Moldovan, Rowbotham, Hovance and Johnson and every year
we always enjoyed Mr. Buttar talking about the 1976 Olympics at every track meeting.   


Education/Professional Experience:
United States Military Academy at West Point - BS in Civil Engineering and Engineering Management

Brenau University - MBA in Business Leadership
United States Army Command and General Staff College – MBA in Strategic Leadership


What career did you choose and tell us a little bit about how you got there.
I don’t know if I really chose a career as much as I feel I fell into two careers. My first career started upon graduation from West Point. I was commissioned an Army officer and was very fortunate to serve and lead soldiers in the 82nd Airborne Division and the 75th Ranger Regiment. Upon completion of my time in the Army I transitioned into commercial construction by networking with other West Point graduates in the Atlanta area. From a leadership perspective it just felt like a natural transition. Currently, I oversee all east coast operations for a national general contractor. I am very fortunate to  have the opportunity to be associated with so many diverse and incredible people who construct some of the most complicated structures in this country. 


What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Being a dad to three beautiful daughters has been such blessing. I am so proud of everything they do and amazed by
what they continue to accomplish in life. Having my oldest daughter graduate from West Point in May of 2021 is the
most current proud moment.


What is a specific piece of advice you would give to a Kennedy senior?
It is natural to want to just graduate and move on to the next chapter. Whatever the next chapters are in your life never forget
where you came from and be grateful for those around you who helped you get there.