Alumni Spotlight

October 2021

Chris Malanga '94

Why did your family choose Kennedy for your education?
When we moved to Warren in 1983, there was no question that my sisters and I would be going to Catholic school. My parents, Ron and Rosemarie, are both products of a Catholic education which prepared them well academically, socially and spiritually for life. They wanted their children to have the same opportunity and, therefore, chose John F. Kennedy for me and my sisters, Veronica (’97) and Monica (’03). I consider myself very blessed to have gone to Kennedy. I had a small class of 89 and I got to know every one of my classmates personally. I had the ability to go to school masses and have religion classes. Being an Eagle shaped me into the person I am today and I wouldn’t have traded that experience for anything. 


What is your favorite Kennedy memory?
My favorite Kennedy memory was being in the pep band. We were a small but mighty bunch. The band consisted of 4-6 Kennedy students, several alumni and whatever friends from public school we could pull together to play on Saturday nights at Mollenkopf or in the Kennedy gym for basketball games. The band had the honor of traveling for the football playoffs playing at the 1991 state championship and 1992 runner-up games. I am so thrilled to see that Kennedy has reinstated a band program!


Did you have a teacher or class that was a major influence on you?
This is a hard question, because I believe all the teachers at Kennedy influenced me in some way or another. My favorite teacher was definitely Mr. Hoover. He helped me to be a better writer and instilled in me a love for reading. He was also such a kind, fun man. I got to know him on a more personal level when my wife taught at Kennedy. Even though I wasn’t a huge fan of math class, I would say that Mrs. Rupinsky was another favorite teacher. Finally, as editor of the Class of 1994 yearbook, I have to shout out Mr. Lowry (our advisor) for his support and guidance.


Education/Professional Experience (If applicable):
I graduated from Bowling Green State University in December of 1997 with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a minor in Journalism. I currently reside in Bryan, Ohio with my wife Nikki and children Anthony (18), Dominic (15) and Gabriella (9). Interestingly, my wife was a math teacher at Kennedy from 2001-2007.


What career did you choose and tell us a little bit about how you got there.
My career path has had a lot of twists and turns. After graduation, I worked at a radio station in Defiance, Ohio. In 2001, I moved back to Warren for a few years and became Director of Communications for the United Way of Trumbull County. That job led me to Bryan, where I became CEO of the United Way of Williams County. In 2010, I left the non-profit world and went into education. I was a teacher for a couple of years and now work in a teacher support role as an Educational Technologist with a local information technology center. 

I am still involved in media, as I have been the voice of the Bryan High School Golden Bears since 2006. I broadcast football, basketball, baseball, softball and other sports on our local radio station, and public access TV. I run the website that provides a live stream of our sports. 

Additionally, my son Tony and I have recently formed a video and audio production business. It is really fun to work with him.


What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I am most proud that I am raising three amazing children. My son Tony graduated high school in 2021 and is now in college. My son Dominic is a freshman at Bryan High School where he is the varsity goalie on the soccer team. My daughter, Gabriella, is a 4th grader and plays volleyball and dances. I absolutely love watching them participate in their activities and seeing them grow into awesome people.


What is a specific piece of advice you would give to a Kennedy senior?
I would tell Kennedy seniors to make the most of what little time they have left at Kennedy. Get involved, strengthen relationships with your classmates and teachers, and have fun. When you get to college or wherever you go, slow down and enjoy it! It goes too fast and soon you’ll be out in the “real world” with a job, mortgage and all the stress that goes along with that. Finally, never forget that you are Always an Eagle, and keep the Blue Pride within you!