Alumni Spotlight

April 2022

RaiTwann Gaston, Class of 2012

Why did your family choose Kennedy for your education?
My parents looked into John F. Kennedy during my middle school years. My twin and older sister, RaiShein Gaston and RaEsha Gaston, and I were doing well at Warren City School and our grades were well enough that our parents looked into the EdChoice Voucher to further our education. They believed John F. Kennedy would prepare us for college and advanced education, so they chose private school for us.


What is your favorite Kennedy memory?
I have so many memories during my time at Kennedy. My favorites would have to be my first dunk against Mathews my senior year and the Boys Soccer team making it to the Regional Final game. When I played against Mathews, I played against Cole Odell. He turned out to be my roommate our freshman year at Hiram College, and everytime Cole and I matched up, it was a great show. The Boys Soccer team had never made it to Regionals before, it’s always a blessing to be able to put your stamp on history for any occasion.

Did you have a teacher or class that was a major influence on you?

The staff at JFK was awesome. I have so many memories and learned many life skills from the teachers and coaching staff. Coaches influenced and taught me lessons that were beneficial in my professional and college experiences. Coaches Joe Megyesi, Chad Phillips, Shawn Pompelia, and John Richards taught me to learn from adversity and take accountability at a crucial point in my life. I also had so many impactful teachers during my time at JFK. I had the pleasure of knowing Father Petrunak who was a blessing.

Education/Professional Experience / 
What career did you choose and tell us a little bit about how you got there.

I don’t believe I’ve chosen a specific career yet this early in my professional life. I’ve had three “big boy” jobs since leaving college in 2016. I was a recruiter for Miller Brother Staffing, a Housing Specialist at Youngstown Metropolitan Housing Authority, and currently I am the Case Management/Family Housing Navigator for the Warren City School District. My focus after leaving college and finding a job was ultimately to be able to help people. The three positions I’ve mentioned have definitely fulfilled my wish, but recruiting is different than being a Family Housing Navigator, as you can imagine. The last two positions I’ve had have been more in the social working/education field, so maybe I'll continue my work there. The possibilities are endless.


What accomplishment are you most proud of?
The accomplishment I am most proud of, recently, would be obtaining the position as the Family Housing Navigator. This job gives me the opportunity to give back to the community I love. I was born and raised in Warren, Ohio. Having attended both Kennedy and Warren City Schools, I have personal experience growing up in this community. The fact that I am able to share and use my knowledge professionally to help impact my community is a blessing.


What is a specific piece of advice you would give to a Kennedy senior?
If I could give any advice to a Kennedy senior, it would be to enjoy your time at high school and make relationships so you can ultimately build your network. Cliché as this sounds, as alumni, we know how fast time flies when you’re attending high school. Those four years of memories, sports, and friends go by so fast and senior year creeps up quick. You never forget your friends and people you’ve made connections with. Those relationships will last forever; professionally and personally. Enjoy your time at high school and don’t be in a rush to grow up!