Alumni Spotlight

March 2023

Gannon Fridley, Class of 2019

Why did your family choose Kennedy for your education?
John F. Kennedy is built on immeasurable great values of Courage, Integrity and Dedication.  My family is of a very solid Catholic Faith and Kennedy was the perfect school that would continue to instill my faith through service to others, in addition to a strong based preparatory education that ultimately readied me to continue my education at the College level and throughout my daily life.

What is your favorite Kennedy memory?
There were so many great memories more than I could mention that I had during my time at Kennedy. One of those special memories would have to be being a part of the WJFK news crew. I remember one of the seniors in our class presented the idea of having a news program for students, faculty, and parents to watch weekly to Mrs. Consiglio. And without hesitation, she put her trust in all of us to create and run with the idea. This news outlet continues today at Kennedy. This is just one great example of how committed Kennedy is to allowing students to engage with the teachers and faculty with an open mind to allow the showcase of endless creative characteristics that students have to offer.

Did you have a teacher or class that was a major influence on you?
Essentially, all of the teachers at Kennedy have had a major influence on me. That is what makes Kennedy truly special by having amazing teachers and faculty preparing students for the future as young adults in the society ahead of them. I will always remember taking Mr. Klockner’s Philosophy class where he communicated at a level that was interesting whereas it was achievable to understand what it meant to be a virtuous person in life. I also enjoyed Mr. Green’s Global Affairs class because he always did a great job of relating the information to real-world events. It was through this class that I developed a better learning of how different countries function on a daily basis in our world today. This learning continued through to my college level as a participant in the Leader’s in Social Justice program at Walsh University. In some way or another, the whole Kennedy family made a significant impact on me and for that I will always be truly grateful.

Education/Professional Experience:
Currently, this May, I will be completing my undergraduate studies at Walsh University with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting along with two minors in Data Analytics and Forensic Studies. I chose accounting as a major during my freshman year and have continued pursuing this program throughout my time at Walsh.  In addition to my studies, I have been a four-year participant of the Leaders in Social Program, a program that inspires students of becoming change-makers and leaders in service to others in the community by tutoring inner-city and migrant children, assisting with the homeless census and partaking in innovational solutions of the food deserts that are discovered in impoverished areas in surrounding communities in Canton, Ohio. Also, serving as Student Manager for the Northeast Ohio Student Venture Fund has been a rewarding accomplishment.  Being able to advocate for start-up businesses in Ohio has enabled the funding of $10,000.00 to prospective endeavors. I was also inducted into the Sigma Beta Delta chapter at Walsh in 2022 for ranking in the top 20% of my class which was a true honor. I have been involved in our Student Alumni Association serving as the treasurer and also as the Vice President for the Institute of Management Accountants. Being a Personal Tutor this year as well is probably one of the most rewarding activities on campus because it involves helping other students in my class to better understand and identify the information presented to us to succeed in coursework studies.

What career are you working towards and tell us a little bit about how you are getting there.
When I began college in 2019, I knew I always wanted to do something related to business and accounting felt like the right calling for me. I knew after my first accounting class in college that I wanted to pursue this major especially since I had a great accounting professor my freshman year at Walsh that helped with deciding which career path I wanted to take. I have worked two different accounting internships with Cohen & Company both in tax and audit.After graduation this May, I will be working as an Information Systems Audit intern at BDO Accounting Firm in Cleveland, Ohio along with working towards becoming a Certified Public Accountant.I am especially excited to continue my Graduate studies at the University of Notre Dame this fall to obtain my Master’s Degree in Accountancy.   

What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I would say that the accomplishment I am most proud of is my continuation of education. After graduating from Kennedy in 2019, I wanted to find a college that upheld the same values and uniqueness that Kennedy is recognized for. That is why I chose Walsh University because it is parallel to Kennedy in so many ways. The strong Catholic values, personal, and spiritual integrity in conjunction with the outstanding service to the campus and community has fostered even more growth in my own personal journey. Being involved at Kennedy has allowed me to become even more involved at Walsh. During college, I worked as a donations coordinator where I was responsible for heading our Day of Giving events as well as serving as a speaker for our annual fundraising raffle. This was a wonderful opportunity to meet and engage with the great Alumni of Walsh, local business leaders of the community in addition to Government Officials of Summit County.

What is a specific piece of advice you would give to a Kennedy senior?
If I had to give advice to a Kennedy senior it would have to be to enjoy your education, make as many memories as possible and take time to celebrate your accomplishments after Graduation. Remember, you have been educated by the best staff of teachers and administrators that personally strived for each of their students to be the best they can be not only in the classroom but also in life outside of school. Embrace these values and take advantage of everything that is offered to you.  Make sure to always set reachable goals for yourself and strive to the best of your ability to achieve them. Also, remember to be your own person and build your network as large as possible as future endeavors are endless.