Alumni Spotlight

September 2021

Dr. Diane Lapp '61

Why did your family choose St. Mary’s  for your education?
My folks chose St. Mary’s because they wanted my sister, brother and me to attend a school that promoted a Catholic way of life and would be a pathway to college. We were members of the parish so it just seemed logical to them to send us to St. Mary's.


What is your favorite St. Mary's memory?
I have so many wonderful school memories but I often smile when I think about our school dances and the Nuns telling couples to leave enough space between us for our guardian angels. I remember my entire St. Mary’s school experience with one big smile in my heart.


Did you have a teacher or class that was a major influence on you?
Yes, I loved Miss Florence Zamarelli my 4th grade teacher. She was so kind to each of us and believed that each of us could succeed. She also was such a good teacher that she spent many extra hours ensuring that learning was occurring for each of us.


Education/Professional Experience
College(s) attended / Degrees Held / Graduation Year:

My degrees are from Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio, Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, and Indiana University in Bloomington.


What career did you choose and tell us a little bit about how you got there.
I chose the teaching profession for my career. In addition to being a Professor, first at Boston University(BU) and then San Diego State University(SDSU) I have taught most grades in elementary and middle school. I am still teaching 12th grade English and also two graduate courses at SDSU. 


What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?
In 2007, a few of my colleagues from SDSU and I founded a public charter school in an economically deprived area of San Diego. We believed that if we provided an education that supported both the academic and social growth of each student we could have 100% graduation rate even with students who had not been earmarked for success. We have achieved our goal and have graduated students to all professions and careers. To know more about our school please visit,


What is a specific piece of advice you would give to a Kennedy senior?
My best advice is to use one half of every paycheck to cover expenses and savings and to use the other half for fun. Never wait to start your fun!