Alumni Spotlight

October 2023 • Homecoming Spotlight

Elisabeth Stanislaw Wilson, Class of 1982

Why did your family choose Kennedy for your education?
My parents, Jerome and Anne Stanislaw, believed in a strong education with academic rigor and Catholic values. JFK interweaves God and family into the school day, while teaching the necessary skills, encouraging leadership, and molding the entire person. 


What is your favorite Kennedy memory?
I have fond memories of so many special moments that it is difficult to select just one. I loved Saturday mornings with Father Terry and all the children from Fairhaven. We played games, learned sign language, sang songs and bonded with our classmates and children with disabilities. Ringing the victory bell was the highlight of many Saturday nights! Every hour spent in the art room developed creativity and confidence, and I recall the pride of painting wall murals. But my favorite memory might be “Senior Week,” a week of prom, a trip to Cook’s Forest, breakfast at Denny’s, Farmer Jim’s for Senior Skip Day, the crazy car caravan, baccalaureate mass, senior dinner, graduation and several class parties! It was a time of bonding with everyone!!


Did you have a teacher or class that was a major influence on you?
Joining the Kennedy Speech Team was a difficult decision because I was not comfortable speaking in public. Mr. Lapmardo saw potential in me, provided support, and encouraged me to improve. (He basically made me join the team!) Being part of an academic team built confidence and leadership skills. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Mr. Hoover’s inspirational lessons on literature and valuable tips on writing; he greatly influenced my decision to become an ELA teacher!


Education/Professional Experience:
Kennedy prepared me for Villanova University where I majored in English and developed a deeper appreciation for Shakespeare and British Literature. (Mr. Hoover planted the seeds!) I also attended Rosemont College to pursue a degree in elementary education. I moved to Columbus to attend The Ohio State University and began teaching eighth grade language arts. My husband, Patrick Wilson, worked as an assistant attorney general, and when he decided to switch to private practice, there was no decision about the best place to work and raise a family… Warren, Ohio! Teaching jobs were scarce in the 90’s, but I established myself at Lakeview Middle School and taught seventh grade for the next thirty years. In addition to teaching, I enjoyed coaching the English Festival, volleyball, tennis, and track. Life has come full circle, and I am thrilled to be back at JFK running a writing lab at the upper campus and tutoring reading at the lower campus.

What career did you choose and tell us a little bit about how you got there.

I always loved school, reading, being creative, and working with children. I was blessed with a busy childhood filled with educational opportunities. I wanted to help others to grow and reach their full potential academically and socially; being an educator was one of the best ways to directly support young people. I chose middle school because most adults will recall that time as being the most difficult years of their school career. I hope my students say that I made learning fun, ignited their inner confidence, and helped them navigate any challenges they faced. Learning is a lifelong experience, and I have recently found a new passion for supporting younger students on their journey of literacy. Third, fourth and fifth graders are incredibly refreshing, and it is amazing to work in a place where God is at the center of all deeds and decisions! It’s great to be a Kennedy Eagle again! I believe God led me here for a reason! I retired from teaching Language Arts at Lakeview Middle School in June and I was ready to return to my roots. Blessed Sacrament, St. Mary’s and JFK all contributed to shaping me into the person I am today. I am forever grateful to those special teachers who supported and encouraged me, and now it’s my turn to give back to the community I love so much. 


What accomplishment are you most proud of?
My greatest accomplishment is raising four motivated, hard working, caring children with my husband who I met at JFK. Madeline, Laurel, Mara and Liam have all selected careers that truly make a positive difference in the lives of others, and we are very proud of each of them. Family is the heart of our home, and it continues to be loud and messy with four generations of activities, support and love. 


What is a specific piece of advice you would give to a Kennedy senior?
Life after high school usually affords way more free time than teenagers are accustomed to, and I say work hard Monday to Thursday so the weekend can be relaxing, fun and full of new adventures! However, you can still use the weekend for assignments, but remember to always plan a treat on Saturday and save special time for prayer and reflection on Sunday!

Also…Get outside, exercise, drink lots of water and eat healthy!
Remain confident and try not to procrastinate!
Surround yourself with positive people and ask for help!
Call home and keep us updated!
Make smart choices!