Tom Shilling Merit Scholarship Fund

On Tuesday, October 27, 2020 respected, loved and admired Social Studies teacher, Tom Shilling, passed away at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital. He died peacefully, in the company of family members. Tom enjoyed a 40 year career which began at St. Mary's Middle School and continued at Kennedy. Throughout his life as a teacher, Tom was an unfailing champion of of the necessity of true education. He incorporated humor, wit, and the ability to challenge his students. Using games like Diplomacy and Risk helped teach that there are always more than superficial factors in all events. As a sounding board for ideas and suggestions, Tom listened and responded carefully. Able to laugh, talk, and commiserate, Tom embodied the best of mankind.

As a tribute, the Tom Shilling Merit Scholarship fund has been established. The scholarship will be awarded each spring to an 8th grade student planning to attend John F. Kennedy Catholic High School. Students will participate in an essay contest; the anonymous entries will be judged and the winner awarded a $500 merit scholarship and the game of Risk or Diplomacy. Our goal is to raise $5,000 for the fund to operate in perpetuity.

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